The €10K price tag on this product is not a hard and fast figure. It's a rough minimum for a custom build. We’ll need to assess your needs – for most custom builds, the figure is higher.
A custom build gives you more control over your platform.
It’s for you if you’ve found that shopify or other platforms don’t fit well enough with your business processes and workflow.
But if you haven’t learned what you need through that experience, then I suggest that for now shopify or another platform is the way to go.
Yes, at some point you might need to build your own system from scratch. But you can act and react super quick with shopify, and you can learn a lot about your needs – so your custom build, if you ever need to do that, will be more on the mark.
You might never need to custom build. Shopify is a very solid, flexible platform. Some brands on Shopify Plus do up to around $ half a billion in revenue.
If you need a custom build, I’ll bring other people onto the team to build your site. My input will be strategy, marketing, communications, conversion optimisation.
Questions? Contact me.